Hurricane Impact Doors

Green Home Builders should be your go-to source for hurricane impact doors installation services. Whether you want to include hurricane doors into your new home build or would like to replace your older doors, we have the certifications and experience to ensure a successful installation.

Hurricane impact doors, also called impact-resistant doors or hurricane proof doors, are a combination of heavy-duty door frame and impact-resistant laminated glass. The glass is made up of two panes of glass bonded together with a layer of clear polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and goes through a special silicone glazing process. This ensures the glass remains attached to the frame and the plastic resin interlayer after a high impact.

While flying debris or an attempted burglary can break the glass, it will shatter into a fine spider web pattern and the door will stay intact, protecting your home from destructive winds or intruders. Impact door frames are made up of heavy-duty materials like aluminum or vinyl.

Heavy rain, strong winds, and stormy weather are commonplace in Florida for most of the year, particularly during the hurricane season. As entry doors featuring decorative glass became popular, the need to protect doors them from hurricane strength winds and flying debris became essential. Historically, metal storm shutters did the trick.

Hurricane proof doors with impact-resistant glass are the more aesthetically pleasing option. In many cases, impact storm doors are required in Florida. According to the Florida Building Code (FBC), exterior glass doors must meet impact-resistant requirements or else be protected by storm shutters.

Located in South Florida, Green Home Builders specializes in hurricane impact windows and doors.

Our contractors provide budget-friendly hurricane door installation and replacement services in Miami-Dade County, Broward County, and Palm Beach County.
Eliminate the need for shutters to protect your doors by installing hurricane impact front doors, back doors, and all other exterior doors. Whether you are in the middle of new construction or a minor renovation, it is never too late to protect your home with high impact doors.

About this Process

Every hurricane impact doors installation starts with a free consultation provided by one of our contractors. After discussing your needs and taking measurements at your property, we will help you choose which hurricane doors will work best for you. The size and design of your entry doors will determine the time it takes for a supplier to deliver your hurricane impact front doors. Once delivered, our contractors will complete the installation process in just a few hours.

Conveniently located in Miami, Green Home Builders provides hurricane impact door installation and replacement services to clients throughout the Tri-County area in South Florida. Our company is licensed to provide services to numerous types of real estate properties and industry professionals:


  • Residential Homes
  • Apartment Buildings and Condominiums
  • High Rise Buildings
  • Commercial Properties
  • Architects and Real Estate Developers
  • Home Builders and Remodelers

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At Green Home Builders, our team of certified contractors is here to guide you through the hurricane door installation process and address any questions you may have.

Are Hurricane Impact Doors Effective?

Hurricane doors provide aesthetically pleasing impact protection against the destructive winds and dangerous flying debris brought by tropical storms and hurricanes. Hurricane impact front doors and back doors can withstand winds up to 200 mph, which are Category 5 hurricane winds. Impact-resistant windows also serve as a deterrent for attempted break ins.

Are Hurricane Impact Doors Required in Florida?

According to the High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) section of the Florida Building Code (FBC), if your home or building is located within one mile off the coast where wind speeds exceed 110 mph, exterior glass doors must meet impact-resistant requirements or else be protected by storm shutters. These hurricane door requirements apply to all of Miami-Dade and Broward counties.

What Are the Benefits of Hurricane Impact Storm Doors?

While investing in hurricane proof doors is typically more expensive then installing storm shutters, they are worth it for the multiple upsides they bring. They are the aesthetically pleasing option that don’t force you to cover up your windows during a storm. Your insurance premiums will also go down after installing impact resistant doors.